Friday, February 15, 2008


Oh dear! My weight shot up over the past two days. I was above 230 yesterday AND today. Katie suggested (kindly I thought) that maybe I have a bit of a sinus infections. Things haven't been smelling or tasteing quite right, and I have been craving salt, and I have had a horrible headache since Monday. That all may be true - but PERSONALLY I think I am just doomed. I have been eating closer to my BMR level of 2250 (going up the fatter I get!!!) for about four weeks now. I have seen no positive change in my weight. I have (however) noticed that I am beginning to get "old man belly" - which is I am fat from my boobies on down. This isn't enirely new - but it seems that the five pounds I just gained have ALL been there - which is the "DANGER! DANGER!" zone. After my birthday on Monday I am going to go BACK to (no - not a diet! I don't diet anymore! I eat intuitively - which seems to be all sugar and carbs for me) the Glucerna meal planning. That way forces a balanced diet on me. I am going to set the calorie level at 1900 (which is what that website recommends for me - which IS my BMR if my waist hip ratio was worse (which it MAY be now that I packed on an additional 5 pounds).

I have a coupon for a free coffee from Caribou, a free Noodles dish and a free burger from Red Robin. I am supposed to get one from Coldstone too - but I haven't yet. They better send it to me soon! Anyway - after all of THAT calorie consuming - I need to get back to eating vegetables and fruit and lean proteins. And doing Yoga.


Vicki said...

Hi Amy,
I'll put my newbie 2 cents in here. My suggestion is don't worry about it right now. You've said you're not exercising or eating right and, well, there's little chance you're going to see your weight go down if that's the case.
So mentally, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
That might be worse than the food you eat.
Don't do it. If you want to get on the scale to record a starting weight the morning you begin a new program, great. Or if you want to wait a week after you start, even better.
If you're not on a fitness plan then stay away from the scale because it sounds like it does nothing for your motivation.
If you want to start your new exercise/eating routine on say Tuesday, clear out your bad habits over the weekend (eat those noodles and ice cream (preferably not together) and gear yourself up for what you want to do.
I have to plan my days out, especially early on for food and exercise so I can stay focused.
When I first started out, to get myself into a routine, I'd eat breakfast, a snack, lunch, then go for a 20-minute walk, eat another snack, then dinner then go for another 20-minute walk (sometimes pretty late when I had to work late). My body got used to the routine and it learned to expect food at certain times and the walking was great stress relief and a low-impact way to lose weight. After doing a 2-week prep I was ready to move onto more rigourous exercise and re-evaluate what I was eating.
OK, maybe that was 5 cent or a dime's worth. :-)

Vicki said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vicki said...

Sorry that last post accidentially posted 2x so I had to delete.