Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Up again

Not surprisingly, my weight went up to 143.5 today -- not a dramatic increase, but an increase nonetheless. Since the beginning of July, I've had numerous 10,000-step days, so the trip didn't really increase my movement, and I did eat more than usual (at least for a calorie-counting month). Then I got back to Alabama and moved not at all and ate just as much as usual for a day and a half. And then I spent 12 hours in the car and ate so-so -- I had Wendy's apple pecan chicken salad (I LOVE this salad) for lunch, which includes a lot of good ingredients, but even half-sized, it's probably fairly caloric; then I had Subway for dinner, and did not hold the cheese; and in between I helped the kids go through quantities of trail mix and cookies. Yesterday alone could account for most of a pound of weight gain. And I didn't drink nearly enough water during the trip, which only adds to the troubles.

I'm having a very hard time leaving vacation behind. I'm not resisting the snacking today, even though I know the more days I have like this the more work I have to do to make up for it, and the harder it is just to stop the habit. And exercise (especially given the heat, after lovely 70-degree Spain) is anathema.

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