Friday, July 01, 2011

Four good days

Knowing that your points add up every day and that you could lose points for cheating is quite motivational! I've managed to stick to the plan all week, and have caught myself almost eating something without thinking a couple of times but stopped myself before the treat made it to my mouth. Today has been the toughest day so far--I had Connor down at Hopkins for an early morning appointment that ended up taking way longer than usual and I almost missed a meal (I'm supposed to eat my meals no more than four hours apart), and while there I also wasn't drinking water so I'm behind on that for the day, and catching up isn't fun. I also haven't exercised yet today. I've been doing that in the morning or at lunch, and of course couldn't do it in the morning today and won't have a lunch break because I got here late, so I'll have to figure something out tonight. Biking in the dark on a Friday night at the start of a holiday weekend doesn't strike me as a good idea, though.

I've been tracking my food on the Daily Plate as well, and each day I've come out more or less around 1300 calories, without actually counting the calories; that is, I don't take into account what the calorie count of the food is that I'm eating--I just eat according to plan and it all works out over the day. Exercise each day is burning an additional 300 - 400 calories, too, so I'm doing well.

We'll see next week what my official weight loss is, but for now I'm down to 143.4. That'll slow down in the next week as my body adjusts, and this weekend I'll take a day off and halt the progression, but if I can manage 1.5 to 2 pounds of weight loss a week for the duration of this game, I'll be happy. Well, not happy exactly (it would take more than weight loss for that!), but content.

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