Tuesday, July 12, 2011

All Bad...

Why I am Fat
by: Amy Angerer

I am fat.

I am fat because I eat things like crackers at midnight - not because I am hungry or because the crackers taste good but because I want to eat them at midnight.

I am fat because if there is a mostly gone bottle of ginger ale in my fridge I will drink it instead of water just so I can get rid of the bottle.

I am fat because I am too lazy to pack my lunch and so when April goes out to get lunch I say "here - get me that sandwich I like so much" (which BTW is a WHITE bread baguette with tomato, procuitto and fresh mozzerella - and lettuce and some salad dressing-y stuff) and then eat the whole thing.

I am fat because I don't go to bed until 12:30am and then wake up every two hours and then hit snooze in the morning - twice - instead of going to bed at 10:30pm.

I am fat because I don't use my C-PAP at night because it makes me feel like I am suffocating even though when I do use it I feel much better the next day.

I am fat because instead of challenging myself to do some intersting physical activity at night when I get home - I challenge myself to spin 100 ounces of wool and then don't feel guilty when I sit down and spin for an hour or so at night instead of exercising. Which - technically - is more physical than, say, playing on facebook - but still...

The end.

BTW - my weight jumped AGAIN this week. I am up to 259.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

When we do Game On, I think your new good habit should be to use your C-PAP machine every night. If you lose 10 points for not using it, it might make you use it!

I've been forcing myself to bed between 10:30 and 11:00 each night (required to be in bed with the lights out 7 hours before I have to get up) and am amazed at how much better I feel. I'm still not sleeping through the night (Connor and drinking 3 liters of water each day have something to do with that), but overall I'm a lot more alert and energetic.