Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Part two

I think it is funny that Emily says she will un-do her good work by our trip to Spain, and I am looking forward to hopefully LOSING weight on the trip. It is counter-intuitive, but I always seem to lose when I am on vacation. It doesn't matter what the nature of the vacation is, but I lose; banjo camp, bead camp, cruise, trip to Norway, etc. My conclusions - as I have said before - is that I eat more regularly, I am more active and I eat MORE calories. I am also more relaxed and I am out of my normal routine.

I need to get myself more organized with my eating. I have some REALLY good habits - but I alternate them with REALLY bad habits. So - by my math that balances out to be kind of neutral habits. Combine that with my lack of exercise and lack of sleep, it is no wonder I am a big fat blob. Yesterday I had a Green Monster - but didn't eat my breakfast (I usually have the GM around 10:30 am and my breakfast around 8:30 - or vice versa). I ate lunch - the yummy sandwich that I shouldn't have - but it was kind of early in the day - and so at 5:30 I was starving, so got cheetos out of the machine. Why wasn't I prepared with a healthy snack? I then was very proud of myself when I got home because I made brown rice with chicken and vegetables. But - I drank the left over ginger ale. I didn't eat anything else, but when I was going to bed I was desparate to crunch something. I have no idea why! So I at crackers. As I was chewing them I was thinking "This doesn't taste good. Why am I eating this?" I can't tell you. They were at least whole grain crackers. I do wonder however, if I would have been eating something much worse if it was available - like cookies. I guess not having snacks in the house pays off to a certain degree. I can honestly tell you that I would NOT have had hummus and carrots at midnight - even if I did have them to hand.

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