Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Yeah, that's right. 3.6 pounds down from last Tuesday. Yesterday (on my official Game On weigh in day) I was 141.8, so I don't know what's up with that other pound. On Saturday I was 141 even, so either weight could be accurate. But the larger point is I'm losing weight and getting into shape. Mostly around my knees, it seems. Before starting this, I was noticing that sort of hanging flab you get around your knees when your thighs are blobby, and today it looked like I was getting more definition in my leg muscles and less blob. Maybe we should switch to short skirts for Katie's wedding? And long sleeves?

I have to say I'm really liking how Game On is forcing me to adopt good habits. I was sick over the weekend--I woke up Sunday with stomach issues, and I thought it was because I overindulged on my Saturday day off (birthday party, pool party, anniversary dinner), but when the illness stuck around into Monday, I figured it probably wasn't that. In the past I would have used the illness as an excuse to not move and to eat saltine crackers and jello. But doing that would lose me a LOT of points, so I stuck with the diet (although both days I didn't attempt to eat until the afternoon, and then I went with the blandest approved foods I could manage, but still ate the five required meals) and exercise. On Sunday I went for a long and brisk walk. Yesterday I was hoping to get out for a long ride - that was my Sunday plan but I really didn't want to be away from home (and a bathroom!) for that long - but didn't have time for a long ride after work with the thunderstorm moving in, so I got out for 16 miles on my usual route (in 1:12--the first 11 miles averaged 14.6 m.p.h. and the last five miles were all uphill and knocked my average down to 13 m.p.h.). This heat and humidity is oppressive--I come back from even the most minor workout looking like I took a shower.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Maybe you are flashing. I burst into sweat streams just by saying the word "exercise." (oh crap, now my keyboard is getting juicy!! hee hee). Katie has seen it happen - Emily I am sure will see it soon. The most mild exersions leave me with dripping hair and face.