Friday, July 08, 2011

New Exercise Plan

I have been following the blog of Jennifer Pharr Davis - a woman who is trying to break the record of walking the AT the fastest. Her own current record is 57 days. The world record is 49 days. She wants to beat the 49 days. But she just seems like a neat person anyway.

SO - I have decided that I want to add trail walking to my exercise routine. I do my yoga - and added clogging this spring - so now I want to add the trail stuff on Saturday or Sunday mornings. I figure that MAY be an exercise I enjoy. If so that will be three things I have tricked my body into enjoying. 8-)

Food has been so-so at best recently. I didn't monster AT ALL on my five days off. I am back to them today and yesterday. I haven't been loving them as much recently and I am not sure why. Maybe it is the plain yogurt I am now using. I think after I finish off my current container I am just going to switch back to the individual flavored yogurt. Without the monsters I am bad about fruit and vegetables.

I saw (but haven't yet read) an article called "Find your friendly foods and lose." I need to find my friendly foods. I think oatmeal is one of my friendly foods. I like oatmeal.


Sarah said...

Please, for the love of all that is holy, can we stop using "monster" as a verb? Verbing weirds words.

Vicki said...

Sarah, that made me monsterly crack up -- adverbs OK? haha

So Amy, I use plain nonfat yogurt in my smoothies AKA monsters. I have tried them with flavored yogurt and, honestly, never noticed the difference in taste. I do add some vanilla into my smoothies -- just a touch -- and that really gives it a nice kick.

Emily said...

I think the trail walking is a great idea. Move to Blacksburg. The trails are a lot closer here and then I could join you!

I'm with Sarah on the "monster" verb. I didn't even understand what you meant at first -- if I were talking about "monstering" it would mean I was hoovering food (speaking of verbing -- but at least that one is decades old). Like Cookie Monster.

Amy said...

Ooops! Sorry! Well, we say "moster" here at work to find out if we have had our morning green moster yet. Only it also means I am going to MAKE and then CONSUME my Green Monster. I LIKE monster as a verb! 8-)

Amy said...

Monster. We say Monster. Not moster - not mobster. Monster!

And - Vicki - I think it may be the BRAND of plain yogurt I am currently using. It seems to separate after blending, which I don't care for. I was getting the 32 oz containers instead of the more expensive single serve. So - step one would be switching back to the single serve. I do like the flavors just for the FLAVOR. My favorite is peach yogurt with fresh strawberries - but it isn't such a huge difference and so the extra calories aren't worth it.