Tuesday, July 05, 2011


I've been keeping up with the blog, but haven't been posting.  There has just been too much other stuff going on.

I had LASIK surgery this past Friday, and I am typing to you today in perfect 20/20 vision...the first time since I think I was maybe 8? Something like that. It is very weird and very cool.

We've been sticking to a decent eating plan these past few weeks, and both Peter and I are seeing weight loss, which is great, but I know it could be better as I am still struggling to fit exercise consistently into my daily schedule.  I have a plan though.  I just have to survive these next few days as we get ourselves ready for a trip to San Diego.  Come Friday, my plan can start!

Peter and I bought bikes a few weeks ago, and we used them like crazy at first, but then we had a week of rain, then we went away, etc, etc and they are sitting.  I really enjoyed riding though, so at least we have them and I am going to work them into our day when we get home from San Diego. Plus I have them parked in the dining room, so they are never out of sight.

My friend Rachael is almost done her 3rd tour in Kuwait, and she sent me a long list of exercises she does to keep herself in shape.  I like them because they require no gear at all besides sneakers.  The list is going with me to San Diego next week and we'll see how I do.


Sarah said...

Good to hear from you! Congratulations on the LASIK sugery--you're a brave woman for letting yourself go through that. Eyes ook me out. I can't even stand the thought of contacts!

It was a hard spring for cycling--lots of rain, and of course we went from rainy and cold to miserably hot in the space of a week, but I've been enjoying my early morning rides the past week (although not the getting up early part).

Have fun in California!

Emily said...

That's great that you had LASIK done -- I'm jealous! When it first became widely available I couldn't even think about affording it, and now I worry that I'm hitting that stage of life when my eyes will be changing again anyway, and if I have to wear glasses at all I might as well just wear glasses and save the money on the surgery. Besides, after 32 years I'm so used to my face with glasses that I'd hardly seem like me without them. I went through a brief contacts phase, but it wasn't worth the effort long-term.

I'm glad you're still around! My new bike barely saw any use at all over the spring -- too cold and wet. This is the right time of year for it! You'll have that to look forward to after your trip. Have fun!

Amy said...

I am somewhere in between wanting to have it done and being fine with my glasses. AND I am completely in the "eyeballs give me th ook" school! But - my current glasses steam up ALL the time! I think it is because I am flashing all of the time now.