Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Last day of my streak

I haven't missed a day of exercise all month -- this was day 15 of no-excuses. But I think this will be it for me! Tomorrow through Saturday we're in transit (though I may be able to sneak in a walk or a jog tomorrow or Friday) and then all my exercise will be touring. Most days this month I've actually looked forward to it; I've tried to work in enough variety that I wake up thinking not, ugh, I have to exercise, but, hmm, what should I do today? Of course, a few days it has still been, ugh, what's the minimum I can do today and have it count? But I've stuck to it.

Yesterday was an ugh day -- it was hot and I had to get the oil changed, so I counted the 0.75 mile walk to and from the car place (1.5 total) as exercise, and then Daniel and I went out for our evening walk (first in a while) for another 2 miles. Today was better; I took the kids swimming and did another full mile, this time with fewer interruptions and paying attention to the time, so I have a number to compare to on future swims. A slow number. Swimming is weird because I don't get sweaty and I don't feel the muscle fatigue very much while I'm doing it (but often I do later), so I don't entirely feel convinced that I've had a workout.

Food yesterday was near disastrous -- I think I was over 2000 calories by the time I quit. Tonight we're having clean-out-the-fridge and I think I'd better be cleaning out the grilled trout instead of the bratwurst or burgers and chips. Actually, I think we cleaned out the chips last night, so that may not be an issue. Next I will be cleaning out Spain. I'm doomed!

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