Tuesday, July 05, 2011

3.4 or 1.6

That's how much weight I lost last week. The first number is going by my Monday weight, which I think included a lot of water retention, but it's my official starting weight for Game On. The second is my Tuesday weight and probably more realistic. Either way, I'm happy with the results (144.4 today), and particularly happy because my weight today was the same as yesterday, which means I managed to maintain my weight over a day of indulgence. I think what worked was, um, not indulging. I'm allowed to take one meal off each week, so yesterday I let myself have dinner off, so for the rest of the day I stuck with my exercise, water, and small meal plan, then had a normal (but not TOO indulgent) 4th of July dinner. The hard part was coming home from the fireworks and NOT eating the leftover potato salad, chips, brownies, and beer. I can't have a bite of any of that stuff until Saturday (my next day off), by which time it'll of course be long gone! Connor is probably home polishing off the brownies as I write this.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I was good all day until dinner, too, and I wasn't even that bad at dinner except for drinking too much wine (calorie-wise -- I didn't even have enough to feel it, but it adds up over several hours), but then I did NOT refrain from diving back into the chips after the fireworks! Plus a guest at our cookout yesterday left a cheesecake behind, and while the others will each have a slice at some point, it's going to hang around in my fridge forever unless I eat it -- which I will. And it's a grocery store one, so it won't EVER go bad (or at least they've lasted more than a month in the past), so I don't even have that as an out. So you definitely did better than I did yesterday!