Wednesday, July 20, 2011


WOW!!!  What a whirlwind?!?!  I'm just getting back to my normal life/routine and we got back from Ireland June 29th!  Anyway...

It was a gorgeous trip!!!  We had an amazing time and the best part was that my DH and I realized that we still really like eachother :)  Really tho, I'm not kidding...with 3 kids and life sometimes we forget to even say hello to eachother.  The 9 days (just the 2 of us) made us realize how well we mesh! 

Getting back into the swing of things has been biggest problem is the pool!  I LOVE our pool (private pool in our community)!!  But I do not LOVE the snacking that happens at the pool.  chips, Ice Cream, Nachos (with that horriable fake cheese...that is so good and gross all at the same time).  I usually do well on Saturday but by Sunday my resolve has faded and I endulge.  This wouldn't a problem except that I really need to stop losing the same 2lbs.  I keep losing it and gaining it and losing it and gaining it.  ENOUGH already!!!  Exercise has been a constant as have Green Monsters. 

This week I've been a Rockstar!  Exercise every day!  Eating lots of veggies!  Not Snacking after 6p!  GOOD STUFF!!!  Now I just need to transfer this to the weekend!!!

Last night was my first night back to running with my neighbor,Terri (she was on vacay).  I do more when I have a partner in crime!  We timed our runs.  I've signed up to run my first 5K...Race for a Cure in we are training for this. 

Amy reminded me that since my Ireland Trip is over I need a new it is:
I really want to be 199 by September 1st.  (that is 15lbs).  I have about 6 weeks to make that happen.  This is a very strict plan and may not be feasible.  I will re-evaluate next week (I need to break the 212 barrier first!!!!)  I'm STUCK between 212 and 215.  If I can have a good eating weekend, it may happen. 



Sarah said...

Welcome back! I'm so glad you had such a great time in Ireland (hard to imagine NOT having a good time, though).

15 pounds in 6 weeks will be hard--more than two pounds a week is really difficult, and even consistently losing two pounds a week is hard to maintain. When I'm working really, really hard at it and counting all of my calories and doing both aerobic and resistance workouts, I can only manage at best 1.5 pounds a week. Which is not to say you shouldn't set this goal--just don't get frustrated and give up if you aren't losing the weight as fast as you'd like.

Good luck!

April said...

Thanks Sarah! I agree!!! And Aunt Flow came to visit today. I'm thinking 10lbs may be more reasonable but I HAVE to break through this 212 barrier. Once I do that, I'll be on a roll. I keep losing the same 2lbs over and over!!! Thanks :)