Wednesday, April 07, 2010

My comments

It seems that if I comment from my home computer they don't show up. Last Wednesday I had a whole series of comments about BMI calculations, buying new fat clothes verses new thin clothes, and I don't know what all - and NONE of them seem to be on the blog anymore. Just now I commented on Sarah's middle of the night sickness and it isn't there. Here is what I said if anyone cares:

You sound like you had a spastic colon attack. That is exactly what happens to me... wake up, run to the bathroom, purge and go back to bed. After 30 or so years of this happening off and on I can often predict when they will hit - but, by any one else's standards they are out of the blue. Once in a while I will feel very queasy while I am purging - to the point where I start gauging the distance to the sink or bathtub, but I have NEVER (knock on wood) had it actually hit from both ends. I think it is actually just the pain from the cramping that makes me queasy. Then once I am done, I am usually DONE. And it is almost always around two or two thirty. In fact, the only time I feel residual fatigue in the mornings is if it happens at 2:30 or later. That is my breaking point. Prior to that it is like nothing happened.

1 comment:

Emily said...

A comment of mine disappeared the other day, too, and I always post from the same computer. I don't know what's going on with blogger these days!