Monday, April 05, 2010

Gained 1.5 pounds in one day!

Hmmm, that's somehow not as interesting a title as Sarah's. I woke up at 147.0 yesterday and hit 148.5 this morning. Yesterday during church I had my usual back discomfort while kneeling, and it turned into a sharp pain by the end of the Mass, so I have vowed now to add Pilates every day (well, six days a week). Today was easy because we're not doing school, but on school days I'm going to have to get up a half hour early. No more laziness for me! I can't live with back and shoulder pain all my life.

Is daily reasonable for Pilates? For most sports you're supposed to take a day off between workouts to allow the muscles to heal. But Pilates for Dummies isn't exactly extreme, and no one says you need to take breaks from stretching, right?

I didn't feel like I did a good job of engaging my core during this morning's workout, and when I lay down on my right side for leg lifts it was VERY uncomfortable -- that's the side with the shoulder pain AND the back pain. But the good news is that by the end of the workout my right shoulder was feeling much better, so it at least stretched it out.

I'm trying to refrain from stuffing myself with candy all week -- I let myself go yesterday but I have no desire to keep that up all month. I'm still trying to count calories. How do you count "four jellybeans and an almond-flavored cookie a friend made"?

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