Thursday, April 22, 2010

Just checking in

Obviously we're mostly distracted this week, but I wanted to stop by anyway. I've still gotten my exercise in every day this week, though I'll have no gym appointments over the next two weeks or so, so I don't know how things will go in the near future. My weight has dropped this week, because with the candy down to a minimum I'm being more careful about my calorie intake overall, though I've also been so busy that I've been forgetting to eat -- yesterday I didn't make it to 1000 calories. Oops! This morning I had to miss breakfast because I was fasting before a blood test -- only they cancelled the appointment after I'd been waiting an hour and a half because the doctor got called out, leaving ZERO doctors in an office of six or so. Wild day for them. So I have to fast again tomorrow morning. I'm going to start getting headaches if I'm not careful -- I guess then at least I'll be able to demonstrate the low blood sugar I've been claiming all along!

The upside is that today I had a "new" low on the scale ("new" meaning within the last year). I think this is the first year since we started the blog that I haven't seen a noticeable up-swing after Easter! Yay!

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