Tuesday, May 06, 2008

139.0 - Yikes!

I was 139 this morning!  My weight has been creeping up.  I haven't been exercising NEARLY as much as I should.  Yesterday I did, at least, have a gym appointment, but then Cecilia had a one-day stomach bug and we couldn't go.  And we had company last night, people we wanted to impress (a postdoc Daniel is trying to lure here),  so we had cheese and crackers, salad, shrimp with pasta, and Ozark pudding with ice cream.  Tons o' calories.  Oh, and wine.  But Daniel and I have now put a moratorium on buying any more alcohol for the month of May -- we've been drinking beer and cider steadily since long before Amy came to visit, and we went nuts at the wine festival this weekend (buying, not drinking -- we didn't actually drink that much), so we're both pretty appalled at ourselves.

We're going to Alabama next week and I'll have a lot of time on my hands, so unless the weather is terrible the whole time I have no excuse for not going running.  And I do have one more gym appointment this week.  But I'd better find some time other than that once to squeeze in a workout!  And I'd better start watching what I eat!

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