Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Not driving is a good idea

I like the idea of not driving this summer. I won't be able to totally avoid it, but I am going to give it a shot. I also like the idea of shifting at least my own focus from every bite I eat and every pound I know I need to shed to something else for a little while. My first step towards driving less will be to take the light rail to work. I can walk to the train station and back. Although it is a hellish walk back up the huge, long hill of Smith Ave. I am sure that will hurt the first few times. It's about 1 mile to the train, and then a little over a 1/2 mile from the convention center stop to the trade center once I get downtown. This is going to require me to get up a little earlier, which may kill me, but I am going to see how it can work out. I have no idea how I used to live in PA and commute downtown. I'd be at my desk by 7 am, which meant I left home by 6 am, and got up at like 5 am. Now I drag myself out of bed at 6:30 and it is seriously painful. Haha. Once I get this established, I will try to add walks to the grocery store. Although we seldom go out just to the grocery store; generally that is the last stop after a number of errands.

Everyone else is complaining so much about gas prices, but I think this is a great opportunity to realign our thinking towards a lot of things. For me it is going to be about incorporating actitivies into my daily life that make me more active. I am looking forward to it. I've already started taking walks at lunch now that I am downtown again, but more can be done.


Amy said...

What an excellant plan! I like the idea of walking places. I need to find a reason to walk to Main Street Reisterstown on a regular basis. The coffee shop isn't quite enough motivation...

Emily said...

WTG Julie! I like your plan. I took the light rail downtown the one summer I worked there, and I loved it. (I had to drive to the station, though I did actually take my bike a couple of times -- but it is uphill ALL the way back, except the last block, and on some scary roads.) I did so much reading on the train that summer, and I genuinely enjoyed the walk from the station to BG&E -- a real slice of life!