Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Walking, walking----

I tried to post a comment the other night and I was using the wrong user name. I finally worked it out!

I was down to 153 yesterday--the lowest I have been for a while. But today I was back up to 154, despite the fact that we had walked 4 1/2 miles yesterday. We decided Sunday we would walk to weekday Mass instead of driving. Dad had suggested this a couple of times, but I hated the idea of getting up earlier--I get my best sleep in the mornings! But yesterday I changed my alarm from 7:45 to 7:00 and dressed in a hurry. We didn't actually leave until around 7:35. The walk to church isn't bad after you get to the top of Lakespring, where it levels off. It then gradually goes downhill most of the way. We got to church about 8:20 and went inside, where the air conditioning felt great! After Mass, Dad said, "I haven't recovered yet", but we had to leave. He had a 10:30 dentist's appointment. Of course the walk home, up Cranbrook, was mostly uphill, but we made it home by 9:55.

Today we started off faster but made it to church about the same time--maybe a little earlier. But the way home was hard--our legs were still tired from yesterday and it was a slog. But we made it. Now we have to fight the tendency to fall asleep over the morning paper!

I think tonight we will go to bed a little earlier. I have fought that because it often takes me a couple of hours to go to sleep, as it did last night, but tonight I am sleepier. Hopefully we can get on an earlier schedule.

Tomorrow we will babysit with Connor, so there will be no morning walk. Maybe our legs deserve a rest anyway!


Sarah said...

That's amazing that you walked all the way to church twice! Good for you! And I hope Connor gives/gave you a break today and didn't make you climb out on the roof to retrieve him.

Amy said...

Good for you!! I wish I could do a daily walk to mass. I only get to do it once a week. My walk is perfect though. It is hilly - but not TOOO hilly. There is nice shade both coming and going... I really like it.