Thursday, February 25, 2010

Oh the Humidity!

Or lack there of in this case. I AM DYING! I can't stand the way I feel. I drink and drink and drink (WATER! Yes! Duh!) and I still feel dehydrated. I run back and forth to the bathroom (I have to count the steps... it is far away) and I still have such a sore throat! I got up twice again last night - and I was SNORING all night - which means my quality of sleep was very poor. The snoring is because the dry air dries out my sinuses too - so I feel like I have a VERY bad cold (achy from lack of sleep, sore throat from dry air and mouth breathing and a sinus headache). Sigh.

No Emily, I didn't exercise. I should have I know I should have. I took Ginger out to dinner last night. We did a buffet (her choice not mine, I am not a buffet fan). I ate all seafood and desserts and so was overly full by the time we were done (I drank two big glasses of water and one of decaf coffee). Anyway, afterwards we played the slots. Or I played and Ginger watched - which she says she loves to do, but I can't imagine it would be fun for her. But - I WON! I mean, I generally WIN because I usually try to quit while I am ahead, and you usually manage to get ahead at least once. But this time I REALLY won. I won $110 on a $2 bet. Hee hee. It was quite fun. I lost back down to $100 and then cashed out. Yippee! I don't THINK I would be a compulsive gambler, but it is probably a good thing I don't live near a casino. 8-)

Tomorrow we leave for our drive to Vegas. Sarah, everyone assures me that the drive is NOT a pretty one - but it is part of the country that I have not explored before. They also say that there are several towns we don't want to stop in. I am sure it will be fine. It sounds like everyone has done it at least once. I will need to convince Ginger to take me to a grocery store tonight so I can stock up on healthy snacks for the road.


Amy said...

It is 134 steps to the bathroom, 275 round trip (detour to the sink). I have been three times so far (it is 10:30 am here). So by the end of the day I will have walked a mile just going to the bathroom!

Emily said...

Golly day at the distance to the bathroom! We should all have outhouses -- or at least very distant bathrooms down a warm, dry hallway -- and we'd get a whole lot more steps in each day.