Tuesday, March 18, 2008


That's only .2 pounds down from last week's weight, but since THAT weight was essentially after fasting for 18 hours I consider this week's weight progress.

I just came in from digging up my garden. I know I should turn over the soil in the fall and mulch so I don't get all these weeds, but by September/October I'm just so done with the garden I never want to look at it again and I swear I'm just going to seed the whole area with grass. But I never do. Instead I spend a couple of hours in the early spring breaking my back and swearing at weeds and tree roots. I'm glad my garden is only as big as it is. Any bigger and I'd have to hire burly men to come dig it up. Or rent a tiller, I suppose. But I like the burly men idea better. Between the digging and my morning pilates I figure I've got my exercise in for the day.

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