Saturday, August 04, 2007


I haven't weighed myself in over a week -- no scale -- but I am truly reaching a crisis situation. My jeans are so tight that anything I put in my pockets is visible in detail through the denim, and today my zipper keeps creeping down a notch. I haven't had an opportunity to exercise (other than crunches, which I've been doing faithfully) since we left Georgia, and the food has been copious and not nutritionally balanced. Even my underwear doesn't fit right, and this is the stuff that fit just fine when I was 20 pounds heavier than this!! So now I am FAT, and it's all around my middle. I don't need to see the scale to know it. Ick.

Tomorrow we are headed home. The moment I leave this house I am On My Diet. I will have a salad on the road -- no greasy burgers and fries -- and I will drink just water on the trip. I am going to count foods (which means you get to hear details from me daily, sorry) and I am going to exercise Every. Single. Day. And I am NOT allowed to quit until I have reached my goal weight, or until Halloween. I get my birthday off, of course (a very good reason to go to the Ren Fest that weekend!). I am simply grossed out by my body, and it's time to get back on track. Ugh.

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