Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Thank goodness. That's a three-pound drop from last week. But I've already run out of steam -- last night I did fine until after the kids were in bed, and then I got munchy and ate a half a bag of microwave popcorn (and not the healthy kind -- the full fat variety). Today I'm doing fine so far but it's only 1:20, and I don't usually fall apart until late afternoon or evening.

Yesterday I exercised at the gym and mostly did my usual workout -- I didn't do all of the weights because my arms and shoulders were still sore from the hike, so I figured I had had an adequate arm workout then. I did do the shoulder press, at least. I also did my 100 VKRs, and much to my surprise I was able to do them in two sets of 50 instead of struggling through 25 or 30 at a time. So the daily crunches are really doing a lot of good.

Today I don't have exercise plans. I will at least do crunches. Not sure what else.

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