Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Time for a plan

Driving up to Maine on vacation last month I noted an bad trend -- not sure why I hadn't made the connection before -- but as consumers we're pushed to eat fast food, drink beer, smoke cigarettes -- they we're told in the next breath to take some pill so we can lose weight or stop smoking. It's a vicious cycle.

I was happy to Emily's post about food. For the past several years -- and it continues -- I've done my damndest to get the freshest foods down my gullet and I will say it helps immensely with energy levels and how I feel overall.

One weekend I had several meals that all consisted of fresh, local food. All simple.

My suggestion -- and this is certainly my method and has helped enormously -- is to design an eating and exercise menu and follow it. What it does is provide a nice roadmap and when you're thinking about what to eat or get off track you have an answer right in front of you.

I think the hardest part is developing your initial plan and then editing it as you go. I write out one plan then note what I did and change it up so I don't get bored. I also have followed an exercise routine in a book that helped with that.

I prefer the legal pad/clipboard route. I keep a list of complex carbs so I can build my menu.

Last night I made grilled, boneless pork chops with a lime, garlic sauce and quinoa with tomatoes, black beans, scallions and a similar lime concoction. Delish and pretty healthy.

What I've done in the past is give myself 2-3 options for breakfast, the same for lunch, a snack, and dinner. I'll sometimes get an extra snack in there if I need it. I bring my food and snacks to work and try to incorporate exercise.

I've lost weight by taking two 20-minute walks a day after main meals. When I did that routine I was able to build up to other, more strenuous exercise. The walks were multi-purpose -- exercise, stress relief, a bit of quiet time.

I absolutely think that getting locally grown produce and eating in the seasons is a great way to go. BUT I think eating healthy and staying away from processed foods is a great place to start.

Plus, don't think calories, think fresh food -- you should be able to pronounce all of the ingredients on food packages. Read every label.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in joining me please post your plan. I will post mine and provide weekly updates. I know it's time for me to reinstate a stricter plan that also allows me flexibility.

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