Saturday, August 07, 2010

Gol-ding-it all to heck, and lots of other bad words!

For the past three weeks I have not missed ONE mid-week run. For the past two days I have been especially careful about my diet, and yesterday I cancelled all calorie restrictions and ate to appetite, but avoiding unhealthy pre-run foods, which turned out to be only 1600 calories, surprisingly. I went to bed only a little later than I meant to, got up on time (and had to wait around for the sun to come up -- I need to factor in the shrinking days, especially since I'm further south and west than the rest of you!), dressed just right, and ate a healthy pre-run breakfast of a banana and a piece of bread. So far so good.

I went out feeling pretty strong -- next time I need to eat breakfast before I get dressed, so it has time to settle -- and at 6 miles in I was feeling very good and switched from water to electrolytes and started adding in Shot Bloks every 15-20 minutes. All continued well, and my stamina NEVER ran out! No wall! Hooray! But... at around 14-15 miles my knee started protesting a little bit. By 15 3/4 miles, it was SCREAMING at me (figuratively speaking, of course). When I stopped for my walk, I found I couldn't run again. It was just too painful. I called Daniel and told him I had to wimp out, but I was going to walk home the direct route. By doing looonnngggg walk breaks I managed to run two or three times more over the last two miles or so, and I walked an extra couple of blocks to finish up at 18 miles instead of the 20 I was aiming for. My pace had been good -- cautiously slow but not sluggish -- and, as I said, I was nowhere near out of stamina. I honestly felt like I could have done the whole 26.2 today if I'd needed to. After sitting at home for a few minutes feeling annoyed, I went back out (with Daniel for company) and walked two miles more, so I've gone 20 miles today, but the final 4+ were at a snail's pace.

I guess the good news is that I have a pretty good idea what I need to do to get ready for the race, stamina-wise -- that is, I have a clue about how to eat and drink and pace myself when I run, and how to eat and sleep and such beforehand. I think I might want to try some gels after all for nutrition; I liked the Shot Bloks for the first hour of them, but then my teeth started getting sensitive, so it would be nice to have something that doesn't require chewing. But I've just heard such icky things about the gels.

But now I have NO clue what to do about my knee. Knee injuries aren't something you want to mess around with. I've been doing some online reading and it might be an iliotibial band injury, and for that I'm supposed to be using ice (check) and ibuprofen (check) and doing IT band stretches (no problem). They say over-pronation can cause it, but that's not my problem; however, a long stretch of today's run was on a road that had a lot of hills and some serious curves, which meant the road kept banking, so I was running lopsided a lot. And there was NO shoulder, and there were a lot of seams and potholes, so it's possible that road added just enough strain to do me in, especially given that I've had some minor knee pain of this sort over the last couple of weeks (not so much this week, but definitely last).

Well, phooey. I really wanted to post that I'd gone 20 miles and it had been a breeze and now I was happily tired. I am happily tired. And I did go 20 miles, and except for the knee it was a breeze. But my knee hurts and I couldn't RUN the 20, so I'm ticked. Phooey again.


Julie S said...

That is still an awesome announcement! I am sorry to hear about your knee; treat it gingerly over the next few days and see how you are. Would adding one of those compression braces help with the pain? It might add the extra support you need to get you those last miles.

Amy said...

Oh Emily! I am so sorry about your knee! But I agree with Julie - it is still a great accomplishment! I was going to suggest the same thing - try wrapping or supporting your knee in some way. Are you going to have an opportunity to run the actual route at any point? Or perhaps something that is a simimar surface?

Emily said...

I won't be able to run the real course, because it's all over downtown Baltimore. They do have group runs scheduled twice, but I can't get up there for them. But the route is pavement the whole way, which is what I've been running on here, except for a few stretches of sidewalk (maybe a mile and a half of Saturday's route). And the Baltimore route has some serious hills, but I had some serious hills this weekend, so I know I can handle those, though it's nice to be more familiar with the route than I will be.

For now, I'm doing ibuprofen, ice, and I-T band stretches. I'm not running this week, but I did a solid bike workout yesterday, and on Wednesday and Thursday I'll put the elliptical on a tough level and use that, since that imitates running, only low-impact. Then Saturday I'll try an outdoor run again (but shorter than last week!), very slow and gentle, to see how it goes, and I'll take it from there.

I talked to a friend yesterday who injured herself the same way a month in advance of her marathon (running 20 miles, also -- I'm glad I'm on a program that gets the mileage up sooner so I could get this out of the way sooner) and with stretching and elliptical workouts she was able to run the marathon without any real trouble. I think if I stay off the uneven roads and am cautious on the downhills (where the stride gets longer so you're more likely to strain the I-T band) I should be able to recover from this. I'm not sure if a knee brace would help, but I think we have one somewhere, so I may try it out just to see.