Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Still Stuck

At least the half a cider and the paper thin piece of cake last night at Claire's party did no harm. I was 212 this morning (same as yesterday).

I have started doing 50 sit-ups before bed. It isn't a lot - but I am hoping it will stave off the belly flab that seems to be developing since I quit the gym. The treadmill keeps my legs in pretty good shape - but my core muscles are suffering. I need to start Pilates again.

I wonder if the low carb bread stuff I have been eating is reversing my loss affects? I have 6gram bagels and bread that is 2.5 grams per. I don't go over board. I have either a bagel OR two pieces of bread a day - and that is it. That is only 1/4th of my allowed carbs per day - and I rarely go over 20 (and most days I am around 17). When I first started Atkins I was HATING the greasy feeling I had from eating. I have cut way back on the cheese - and even the meat. I am not going over 20 grams - but I wonder if I am not eating enough fat now. The book says that fat is an essential part of the diet. Right now I am eating sausage and lowcarb toast with butter. You would think THAT meal alone would be enough fat for the day!

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