Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Took a week off, gained a bunch of weight

After hitting my 140.4 goal, I decided to just not even think about my weight during the week after Easter, so I ate all the candy in sight (my theory is that you're going to eat it all eventually anyway, so why not get rid of it quickly?), didn't exercise at all (that one wasn't by choice, but necessity--I really need to figure out a way to fit in exercise when I don't have lunch breaks and Brian is gone for 12 hours a day), and basically acted like a gluttonous slug all week. As a result, my weight is up two pounds today from two weeks ago--142.2 this morning. Seriously, I was expecting worse so this was a nice surprise! As of today I'm back on the healthy diet bandwagon (although I think there are still some Peeps around here somewhere). I'm also back to a more normal work schedule. The last couple of months have been insane. I finally tracked all of the grants that went out--we finished 14 proposals in 6 weeks. A more normal rate is about two or three in a month. I've got two more in the next two weeks, but that's nothing--I should be able to finish those during actual work hours and not have to keep putting in time at home on weekends and during the evenings.

It's now less than six months until the Wild Goose Chase (metric century bike ride in October), which is plenty of time to train, except that I haven't done anything at all recently. I've been on my bike maybe twice this year. I miss commuting now that the weather is nice. Today would be a perfect day for bike commuting! In theory I don't really need to train--I did the 100 Miles of Nowhere a couple of years ago with no training, but my legs were toast by the end and I was averaging maybe 7 m.p.h. at the end of the ride (which I also did as a metric century because I had a 2:00 meeting that day!). I'd rather not do it that way again. Things should get easier in June when I won't have Girl Scout commitments every weekend, and the sun won't set so early (right now it's pretty much dark when Brian gets home from work), but between now and mid June I have no idea what I'm going to do to train.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I haven't started training, either. It is so rare that Daniel is home and we don't need to go somewhere, unless it's after dark. I guess I need to start getting up at the crack of dawn one weekend day each week or so the way I did with my marathon training last year. Except with the marathon, if he was out of town I could train locally -- I did a seven-mile run (or was it nine?) when he was away just by running the boring loop close to my house over and over (the neighbors down the street must have thought I was nuts). I can't do that on a bike. Even hiring a sitter is less than optimal -- if I get stranded 15 miles from home, as is wont to happen, how do I get rescued with a 14-year-old watching my kids and my rescue guy across the ocean? It has been so impossible that I'm starting to forget to think about it -- last night Daniel left me at home alone while he and the kids went to Xander's baseball game, and I did YARD WORK! What was wrong with me? I should have grabbed the bike and fled!