Tuesday, May 03, 2011

*Sigh* Tuesdays

I think I'll have to adjust my weigh in day.  I have some mental block on Tuesdays for some reason.

We hiked about 4.5 miles Sunday in Patapsco before the drizzle started.  My arms are still sore today; I guess I must have been swinging them with extra vigor or something. We did two marked trails and then an unmarked that takes you to the base of Liberty Dam. It was a good outing overall; we finished up in about two hours. I was hoping to get out again tonight, but now I'm not sure that can happen because we have to stop by campus after work to pick up Peter's Blackberry that he left in a classroom last night. At that time of day we'll be lucky to get home by 6 pm.

I'm really sleepy today, and I even went to bed at a decent time last night. I managed to make us breakfast this morning, but lunch was just pushing it, so we have to eat out.  I wish I didn't work in the ghetto. It is really true what is written about food deserts in the city; even when you go into the market, your choices are pizza, chinese food or fried chicken. There isn't a grocery store nearby either.  At least if I go to Potbelly's I'll get in a decent walk.

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