Monday, May 16, 2011


Exercise and food are going along fairly smoothly -- it's nice to have the farmers market back. I've had fresh strawberries, asparagus and lettuces, including a bunch growing in pots on my deck. The strawberries are *so* good, especially when I put them in fresh yogurt obtained at the farmers market.

I've picked up my exercise again and am trying to bike around the neighborhood at the minimum in anticipation of a busy biking summer that starts in about two weeks.

So ... onto my revelation ... I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time it's hit me but this time the facts hit the target.

I was watching a documentary about David Blaine -- the guy who likes to lock himself in boxes and not eat for two months. Fun, huh? Anyway, he did a 44-day turn of only drinking water and sitting in a clear box hanging from a crane in London.

He lost 52 pounds and his waist expanded by probably 7-8 inches. He couldn't believe it. His starvation trick turned him into a tub of goo not just a bag of bones.

I know it's easy for me to sit in front of a computer all day and not think about moving until my after-work workout. So I'm trying to inject a couple of walks into my day -- it's my proven way to shed pounds and I've neglected to get them back into my schedule. I'm trying harder.


Amy said...

OK - I gotta ask. In the great tradition of Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel... How did he go to the bathroom?

Vicki said...

It looked like he had curtains he closed and then he must've passed out urine. Not sure about anything else. He didn't discuss. Wouldn't have been much to process.