Monday, May 16, 2011

So now the clock is ticking!!

I have officially ordered the yarn for my next sweater - which means that I have to finish Sarah's sweater before that arrives. So - I better get busy on that! I don't think it should be a problem. I finished the body (front and back) up to the armhole split. I have started on the left front. That I should be able to finish tonight. Then the right front (only a few days for that). Then the back - maybe a week. The big challenge will be the sleeves and the button bands. I heard one person describing knitting sleeves to knitting kneesocks - which no one does because it takes too long. OTOH socks are done on toothpicks with thread and sleeves are done on knitting needles with yarn - so it can't be THAT bad! I will keep you posted.

In other news I had no ingredients to green monster on Saturday and didn't get to the store until Sunday (except for one abortive attempt where I got as far as the parking lot of the grocery store and realized I had no way to PAY so I went home). Anyway, after chuch yesterday I went to the grocery store and bought a BUNCH of ingredients and promptly came home and made one last night. I was REALLY missing it!! It tasted so good last night!!!

Today I ordered a new blender from Amazon. Mine has been acting suspiciously for a while now. Today it was sort of surging and smelling like burnt rubber. I don't want to be left without any way to whomp a green monster in the future (although, I could probably use the food processor... we already figured out that the immersion blender doesn't do it...).

On Saturday I went to the all time weirdest home show. It was for a company called Norwex. My good friend Patty has just signed up to become a consultant. Norwex is green cleaning products. Who would think it is a good idea to sell cleaning products through direct sales...? However, the woman said that these are used in the majority of homes in Europe and 1 in 7 homes in the Canada. It is just now starting to be sold in the US. I gotta say - you know I hate to clean - but I was very impressed. It was SO COOL! But - don't worry - you will all have a chance to see this stuff for yourself. I told Patty I would do a party for her in July (so I can earn the Mop System... hee hee). I am not kidding though. I was REALLY impressed!!! BTW - Norwex stands for Norwegian Experience - so Emily - you will need to arrange to be in town for it so you can tell us if it really is like living in Norway. Ha Ha!! Wear Cecilia's dress. LOL!

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