Wednesday, November 03, 2010

There could be worse timing for a cold ...

So I've been cruising along with my exercise and food routine and -- finally -- making noticeable progress such as better fitting clothes and visible weight loss. Then, of course, comes a hurdle, a bad fall cold. It started over the weekend and has gotten worse. I actually feel better today and my head seems to be draining of all its grossness.

I haven't been able to work out at all so I've tried to keep my food within a good range but I've been SO hungry. I haven't been that bad -- I never get kids on Halloween so I don't have candy around the house and I've been eating relatively healthy.

Today I plan to at least get out for a walk and maybe do some basic exercises so I'm not losing all my conditioning. It's just amazing how much energy has been sapped by this cold. All I want to do is sleep and eat.

Anyway, now I'm even more eager to get back with the program, especially when I was getting results.


Sarah said...

I hope you feel better soon! There seems to be a lot of crap going around already this fall--lots of people out at work with either bad colds or stomach viruses.

Emily said...

I'm glad you're starting to recover! The fall colds have been bad this year -- two of the kids have had it and I've been fighting to keep it out of my throat.

Keep at it! You're doing great!

Vicki said...

I just realized that I didn't get to the point of my post -- I had this cold during a weekend when I had to work.

The bike trip is in two weeks so I'll obviously be ready to go for that. So it could've been worse. It could've hit later and really busted up my race training.

I usually get one cold or bug during the fall and I'm glad to get this out of the way. My brother had it before me and I fended it off for a couple of weeks.
This evening I'm feeling much much better. So that's good.