Tuesday, November 02, 2010


I'm definitely seeing the results of no exercise and too much eating. The number above is a definite upswing and my clothes are starting to be snug around the middle. I think I'm going to have to figure out a way to get moving despite my leg, because I hate feeling like such a lump, and I know that even if I cut way back on calories (which I've started trying to do, though yesterday was unsuccessful because I had virtually no restraint at the restaurant for dinner, and then I had a bit of frozen yogurt for dessert a couple of hours later completely unnecessarily) I won't lose much weight without exercise. For me it has always taken both, and lots of it.

Time is also an issue -- Daniel is usually up and headed to work very early in the mornings, so I can't leave the kids with him and disappear (even if I could stand early morning exercise, which I never have). We have school all day (if we don't do it during the main chunk of the day, it doesn't happen, and besides there is only limited child care during the day -- 4 is when they are fully staffed) and lately we have activities all afternoon and/or evening -- at least on Tuesday (band, and, tonight, church), Wednesday (choir starts at 6, which means I need to be out of the house by 5:45 having cooked and eaten dinner first), Thursday (Girl Scouts at 6 for Cecilia and 7 for Mary, going on until 8:30), and Friday (piano lessons, art class, then date night when we can manage it). I have in the past tried squeezing a gym trip in on Wednesdays and Thursdays before our activities, and that kind of works but leaves me feeling VERY frazzled. I guess that's what I'll have to go back to, and I'll have to get better about using the crock pot and leftovers. I hate the school year!

Thinking to myself here -- it is less hectic if I don't actually have to get to the gym on those squeeze days. I can exercise in and around home if I can find something non-weight-bearing to do. Bicycling takes me too far from home (there's no challenge within a mile of here, and if I get stranded with bike troubles that means a LONG walk home on a bad leg with the kids at home unsupervised) and my videos are definitely weight-bearing. Maybe I can just do lots of aerobic floor exercises?


Julie S said...

Remember that pilates for dummies DVD we all talked about a while ago? Something like that might be nice for you to do at home. Do you have a Wii? The Wii Fit game is pretty good as well. If you have netflix you can rent some of the dvds and see which ones work for you.

Emily said...

I don't have a Wii -- I'd love to have one, though! I've played one a few times (and the kids have played with the one at the gym a lot) and it's a ton of fun. I do have the Pilates for Dummies, though -- I might try that and see if my legs can at least handle their own weight when they need to. It's not very calorie-burning, but at least it would get my muscles toned a bit.

Vicki said...

I also highly recommend getting a bike trainer. I found one on craigslist for much less than you can get it in the store and it has been a godsend. You can hop on it for 20 minutes, or 30 or whatever. Cycleops is a good brand. Very easy to use.