Sunday, November 21, 2010

One Year - give or take...

I realized that Katie will be getting married one year from this weekend. That wasn't a great revelation since we had been discussing that very fact all weekend. HOWEVER, it just occurred to me late last night/early this morning that is is one year from this weekend that I will have to put on a bridesmaid dress and walk around in front of people. People looking at me. AND I will have to have my picture taken. Multiple times. AND I WILL LOOK LIKE AN ENORMOUS FOOTBALL!!!!!! STANDING ON END!!!!!!!!!!! Crap.

I also did the math. Even if some amazing miracle should occur and I am able to lose a pound a week between now and next November, I will STILL only be at about the same point as I was when Sarah and I went on our cruise. AND I WAS FAT THEN!!!. Now, if I am able to lose TWO pounds a week (which is on par with me saying "and if I am able to find 10 million dollars in my bank account") I will be at the same point as I was when Sarah got married a thousand years ago. I was a size 10 then. I think I was skinnier for Sarah's wedding than I was for Emily's - but maybe not...

So what do I do? I thought about going back to Jenny Craig - only that costs $70 a week (give or take) and didn't help me much. That was the first experience with losing 12 pounds then gaining 20. I have to talk to my doctor. I have multiple times, but she doesn't do or say anything. I need to join Julie's goal setting website - only my goals need to be sleep more, move more, in addition to eat less. I need to get busy!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Vicki said...

Well, first thing -- don't PANIC. You first need to figure out what you can eat that's healthy and set up some menus -- avoid the junk and work from there.

Then set up an exercise schedule -- start with the basics again. I'd say walk. A friend of mine has lost 76 pounds since January and she hasn't done anything drastic. In fact, she's had her share of wine and beer and, sometimes bad food. But she walked 8 miles today and felt great. She was *heavy* I'd say in the 275 range, at least. I'll link her blog. She's inspiring.

Another friend has lost 16 pounds -- she started walking and said she really cut way back on the calories then readjusted and after a couple of weeks the weight started coming off. She's now running and she admits running isn't her thing.

If a bridesmaid's dress is motivation then great.

Plot your path and follow it. We'll all be here to provide support as we trek along our own avenues.

Amy said...

Thanks Vickie. 8-) I am not in a panic - yet... I think this is a GOOD non-panic. It is more a kick it the tush. I also think you have hit the nail on the head pretty completely. I do need to get back to basics.

When we started this blog I was OBSESSED with weighing myself daily, tracking everything - food, exercise, etc. I had spreadsheets out the wa-zoo. Anyway, my nutritionist was convinced that I was adding so much stress on myself by looking at the numbers SO often that I was actually causing myself to have the reverse of the desired affect. She was right to a certain degree. When I finally broke myself of the habit of tracking obsessively, I didn't LOSE weight, but the steady gain slowed dramatically. However, in the past year or so I saw another sudden jump of weight.

So the trick is how do I get back to monitoring myself with out becoming obsessed again?

This past summer I was wearing my Body Media armband every day, and tracking my calories pretty consistantly. I didn't feel too obsessed... I stopped wearing it because I was getting a rash in the spot where it sits on my arm. I am going to start with it again since now that the summer is over I won't be sweating as much. I found through the band that I was burning about 750 calories per day more than I was consuming. And I lost a few pounds. WHICH IS GREAT!! HOWEVER, I do wonder how much my calorie counting DID help me to reduce my intake. I don't generally look up something before I eat it, but I will tally for the day around mid-afternoon, which gives me a hint as to how much I can or can't eat in the evening.

I also have started walking with the girls at work. We do only a mile at a time - but we always PLAN to do it twice a day... So, it is a start.

This weekend Katie made some headway into getting her stuff back into her bedroom, which means I will have no excuse to NOT get the yoga room functioning by December 1st... which is my goal.