Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Interesting site

So I have been struggling with finding a creative outlet I can manage with my crazy schedule, etc right now, so I decided to go back to writing. I found this website called 750 words (http://750words.com/home)that challenges you to write 750 words every day. It even has challenges and badges and this really neat analytical tool that I find fascinating--a lot like what we used to talk about in the beginning with this blog, but all focused on writing. The guy that hosts 750 words also hosts a website called Health Month (http://healthmonth.com/hello). It is a game that lets you set goals and then check in and get points, etc. To keep it free, you have to choose only 3 goals, but you can also pay per month ($5) if you want to have more. I am going to play for December with 3 rules. It starts on the 1st of every month and the rules are a combination of things to cut back on and things to increase each week.

My rules for December are cut back on soda, cut back on fried foods (I am interpreting this as eating out) and exercising 3 times a week for 30 minutes. We'll see how it goes.

I turned in a my resignation from the community college last week; the schedule for being in class and then all the stuff that leads up to class is just too stressful for me anymore. I know this stress has been a major contributor to my weight gain. I am so tired through the week I never go to the gym, then on the weekends I am so busy trying to catch up on the things I neglect through the week. It just has to stop.

Plus I realized about 3 weeks ago that teaching isn't fun for me anymore. I had a student ask me halfway through the semester, halfway through a lecture, whether or not she should be taking notes. I had an internal mental meltdown and realized that I really don't enjoy being in the classroom anymore.

So that is one of my major changes I am working to bring around. Unfortunately, my resignation hasn't exactly been accepted yet, so I am up in the air as to whether or not my dream to have that time back in play in my life will occur for the spring or not. I'm on a semester to semester contract, so it's not like they can make me teach, but at the same time I don't want to be a jerk about it.

We'll see how it plays out. One of my unwritten goals is to survive November (almost there) and survive the end of the semester. I am waiting for a huge weight to be lifted from me. I really hope it happens. Wish me luck!

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