Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The zombies have not, apparently, reached this section of Virginia yet. Sorry. Just a boring weight check-in. I got to the gym yesterday and I have an appointment for tomorrow, so that's one day more of exercise this week than last (though I did walk downtown on Friday -- all of about a mile and a half). My leg had absolutely no complaints during yesterday's workout (all bike, so not weight-bearing) but it was hurting at bedtime -- so no running for me yet. And it got tired during the long walk, but nothing worse than that. I'm over my virus (I went to the doctor on Wednesday and was diagnosed with some kind of infection in my throat) but I still have laryngitis (and probably will until Christmas. I hate laryngitis!).

My weight is holding steady -- I cut calories a couple of days last week and tracked them on Daily Plate and Spark People both, mainly so I could look up my recipe data on DP and transfer some of it to SP -- I definitely like SP's environment better. It's more fun. But DP's food tracker is somewhat easier to work with and gives you more control over how your food is listed throughout the day. SP's "Snack" is too vague and general -- I'd rather be able to see if I was pigging out all morning, or all afternoon, or after dinner, or if I distributed it through the day. But I lost enthusiasm for tracking after a couple of days. It's so much work and it isn't really helping my willpower! The Halloween candy is all but gone in our house (and I've been very restrained anyway -- a piece after lunch and after dinner, and that's about it) but Thanksgiving is coming -- and then Christmas junk -- I'm doomed!

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