Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Good news/bad news

The good news is I've been working out regularly--last week I ran twice (and in those two runs I went roughly the distance that I normally go in three runs), ellipticalled (is that a word?) once, and, of course, went roller skating.

The roller skating isn't the bad news, although I guess it should be. I still feel like I've been body slammed, which I suppose isn't far from the truth. I ache all over from that fall, and I'm spending a lot of time with ice packs on my tail bone.

The bad news is I haven't been able to get myself to stop eating so damn much, so I gained another two pounds last week--I'm now up to a completely unacceptable 148! Someone needs to lock me in a cell with a treadmill and nothing but (whole grain) bread and water, and maybe some vegetables and lean protein. Or 1200 calories a day of Twinkies! I'm not picky.

I guess the other good news is that the Halloween candy is gone, thank goodness.

I went for a run yesterday, sort of (oh, that one isn't included in my list above--that list was for the last Monday - Sunday week). The jarring really hurt my tailbone, so I walked a lot and the jogging I did was really slow, so I only covered 3.5 miles. But it didn't make me hurt any more than I had before, which eases my mind a bit--it means I'm just bruised and not sprained or broken.

Vicki and I have our plans in place for the ride to York this weekend--the weather looks like it'll be beautiful. I'm making my packing list today and then will see tonight if it'll all fit in my panniers. I'm hoping to get by with just one pannier--I had four panniers and a handlebar bag for a year on the bike, so one overnight should only require one mostly empty pannier, right? I wish it worked that way.

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