Tuesday, November 23, 2010

That's better

145.6 today, with steady loss throughout the week. Vicki was right that I dropped a couple of pounds almost immediately (or rather, that the extended ride over last weekend led to water retention that I lost quickly) and the rest was through plain old diet and exercise. I'm doing a kind of modified South Beach thing right now. There's a woman in my office with similar habits to mine--lots of regular exercise, good diet, but difficulties losing the weight her body wants to hang onto around her stomach. Her nutritionist over the summer recommended eating normally throughout the day but reducing or eliminating carbs for dinner, and she's had amazing results--looking really good while maintaining her level of fitness and varied diet. So this past week I've been doing the same thing--my normal stuff during the day (and "normal" this week meant one day of Thanksgiving dinner for lunch with coworkers, so it hasn't all been portion control!) and then grilled chicken/fish/beef for dinner with a big salad.

The biggest problem with this diet is that it's really boring. And probably easier for my friend at work who isn't cooking a separate meal for her family and then this for herself. Last night I made lasagna and couldn't resist, so I had a small piece of that--clearly my willpower isn't perfect. But overall I can't complain, and I'm happy to see at least a bit of weight loss!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I've got a good schedule for eating carbs that might make it much easier for you and still provide success. I think it's on paper and at home so I can look when I return to DC. I'll also check online ... might be there. Will send along.