Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Quiet around here!

I'm not sure why we've all drifted away from here lately.  Nothing much new to say on the subject of diet and exercise after three straight years, I guess?

Anyway.  My weight this morning was 141.  Depressing.  Four days ago I was 137, and I am absolutely, positively certain that I haven't eaten 3500 calories a day for four days (or even on any one of those days) so either I was dehydrated then so I'm retaining something now, or maybe both, or my scale is completely insane.  In any case, it's very irritating, because when I saw the 137 I thought several weeks of very hard exercise as well as some slight success (finally!) in restricting calories was doing some good.  I didn't eat extremely well over the weekend, but I didn't get totally out of control, either, so I was sorry to go back over 140 again.  I know that a swing of some pounds is normal, but 4 pounds so quickly is pretty extreme for me.  Sigh.

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