Tuesday, July 08, 2008


My weight spiked again at the end of last week and dropped a bit when my period started.  I never used to notice water retention and weight spikes associated with my cycle; maybe it's because I was so irregular before I had kids, and then there were so many things interfering with my cycle after having children.  This is the longest I've gone not pregnant so maybe it's the first time in almost a decade that my cycle could be normal in that way.  It's just interesting.

I'm still eating too much junk; no surprise there.  But I'm exercising very well these days.  I have five gym appointments scheduled for this week.  Yesterday I had a great workout but it was otherwise a frustrating day -- just at the time we needed to be leaving to run a bunch of in-town errands (UPS store, post office, gym, Kroger) it started pouring, so we had to drive.  It was gorgeous just when we got out of the gym, but we already had the van out and Kroger was right there, not out of the way, so I took advantage of it by stocking up -- if I'm going to use the van I might as well use its carrying power so it's less likely I'll have to drive to Kroger on another rainy day.  We were in dire straits -- no milk, no bread, almost no fruit, no fresh vegetables.  But I still hate that I caved on this -- I hadn't driven to the grocery store in a month, and I could have gone home and gotten the bicycles.  But I couldn't have bought nearly as much.  Oh, well.

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