Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Well, this morning I weighed in at 150! That's progress. Saturday morning the scale flirted with 149.5 but it went on to 150. We still haven't been walking more than once lately and that was a shortened route one evening. Friday night we had broiled salmon and since it was a big piece we had lots of leftovers. I used to do salmon tetrazzini with the leftovers, but that involves cheese and pasta, and I am trying to avoid those too often. So we had chef's salad a couple of nights, and we are having it again tonight. Boring, but low calorie! We had some sheese and chunks of salmon a tossed salad. Dick adds little tomatoes, but I prefer to wait for the bigger ones that should be coming a long soon!

1 comment:

Mary said...

I should have proofed that! I mean "cheese" of course, and left out a word or two, and along is one word. I know better!