Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Well I did it!

I was at home this morning and so I actually weighed myself. I don't know if any of you do this but you try to guess the number based on how you feel... Well, I guessed myself to weigh 10 pounds more than I actually did. Stress, I know, often causes weight gain - and I have been very stressed. I also have not been eating well at all. Additionally, this was the first time I weighed myself since the holidays and I was very pointedly NOT eating carefully over them. OTOH, I have been more active than normal. Not exercise active, just running around active. I also have eaten surprisingly few Christmas cookies since that first week. So - long story short - I weigh the same now as I did when I got back from the cruise, which included a weight loss of six or so pounds - so it is all good - sort of.

OTO,OH - I am getting very floppy, soggy-like. I haven't done any exercise since the walking I did on the cruise. I missed yoga for two weeks prior to Christmas. It did start up last week - and it felt GREAT to stretch and be active again. I have to miss yoga again tomorrow, and I am REALLY sad about it. Dad has a heart doctor appointment that is way more important than my yoga, so I will be taking him to that instead. I am going to have to sit down with Mom and Dad and figure out where they need to go for the next six weeks or so - until Mom can start driving again. It is possible that Dad will be able to drive again sooner than that, but it would be short sighted of us to count on that.

Katie and I are hosting the knitting bookclub next Friday night - which means we REALLY need to clean. We haven't cleaned since the LAST party we had. I am not sure when we will get to do this because neither one of us has been home for any length of time.

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