Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mixed up week

I had off Monday, so Tuesday was Monday, then before I knew it it was Thursday, which is really Wednesday, which means I'm technically only a day late. Right????

Peter and I are going tonight to get measured using a Bod Pod. I am pretty sure it will say I am 92.7% body fat, like those people in Wall-E that are big piles of mush. The interesting thing is that it determines your minimum calorie needs. While I am looking forward to seeing the results, I am also dreading seeing them...I know my fatness situation. Anyways, I think once we have these numbers we'll be better equipped to structure an eating plan that works for us.

I was down another pound this week, which is decent considering I haven't yet been a gym "regular." This stupid cold is still lingering.

This is totally unrelated to our main mission here, but since you ladies are smart people I am going to run it past you, and it has been eating at me.

Dear Ann Landers, Abby, Prudie, Oprah, Dr. Phil, etc (who wants to play who!!):

All of my friends in my level 1 circle (the friends you see on a regular basis and talk to nearly every day) either have kids or are pregnant. Besides having to field the awkward "So when will you have kids?" question, as the only childless one, I am feeling really weird and somewhat excluded. My friend Amanda used to email me every day, but since she told everyone she is pregnant, she hasn't been as regular with me and has become more regular with our other friend, Amy. I used to be her go-to girl for just about everything, but I haven't been recently, not even really in passing. Does that mean I'm out? I'm trying to be realistic; I know relationships shift as people move into different phases of their lives, and I guess I am trying to figure out if that is what is happening. I think when this has happened in the past I haven't noticed it, or maybe the shift wasn't as dramatic? I'm not really sure. Or maybe I am being hypersensitive? Or all of the above? How does one deal with being the only one without offspring? I try to attend every birthday party, etc that I am invited to, participate in whatever random activity that is asked of me, and try to be as flexible as possible when we're trying to get something scheduled, even when it puts me in a really tight spot. I try to absorb everything so that they don't have to deal with it. Is it just that my circle needs to shift, just like their circle has?

Sincerely, Shifted Orbit



Amy said...

Man Julie! I know how you feel!! I think you are in the worst phase of it. You remember when I became friends with you and Sandra, et al? That was me hitting the phase you are now in. Granted, I was lucky because most of my friends who were getting married and then having babies were actually not local - so it wasn't like I suddenly couldn't spend time with them. I had a REAL hard time with Sarah no longer being ready at the drop of a hat to do stuff anymore because SHE had a baby - but she is my sister so she never COULD cut me out of her life (and besides, that was when I met you all anyway).

As to what to do? I don't know if there IS anything you can do about it. Don't take it personally, firt of all. Sarah and Emily started having much more interaction when they had kids to discuss. I did feel left out, but I knew why it worked that wat. You can cultivate friendships with people who are more in your "world." Katie and I became VERY close at that same time because we found bars and bands more interesting than bottles and booties. (heh heh, like that? I sould like a really advice columnist!)

Eventually this too shall pass. I have visions one day of all of my friends and family waking up to realize that their kids are grown and gone and they don't know what to do next. I then will swoop in and say "you can take a great pottery class here, or meet nice people in yoga there..."

Julie S said...

I guess that's what I mean; I understand my coefficient of common traits is lessening with Amanda & Amy, and since they aren't my family, should I force myself into their lives, or hang out on the edge and come when called? I guess I'm just trying to figure out this new role, or non-role, as it may be. Sometimes I do also feel a bit taken aback by things, like when Amy M. complains about the cost of a child. I just feel that if you've decided to have a baby, you've also accepted that you will not have copious amounts of extra cash unless you find a sugar daddy, and then you find ways to deal. Then she just tells me over and over everything she CAN'T do because of the baby, and it gets tiresome. She'll complain about not being able to go to the mall, then I offer to go too since that means we are 2:1 grown up to baby, and she still isn't happy. I don't know how to handle that.

I guess I just need to evolve.