Friday, January 28, 2011

Today is not Tuesday

I've been home with snow and sickies and not able to post because sickie #1 whammed his head so hard into the computer monitor on the laptop that the glass cracked (seriously, they are going to send APS - Apple Protective Service - after us and put our computer in foster care), and the desktop is so clunky that it won't let me on this site to post.

So here's the deal: on Tuesday I weighed 150.4, which I think is holding steady from my weight earlier this month but I can't remember. In any event, it isn't good and I need to get rid of the winter flab I've put on, but I have no idea how to find the time to exercise. I don't have lunch breaks anymore (they'll start up again when Brian's temp job ends in a few weeks) and Connor is now sleeping roughly two or three hours a night so there's no way in hell I'm getting up early to exercise, and by the time I get home at night and get everything done that needs to get done I'm too exhausted to do anything more than lay on the sofa and beg Connor to go to sleep! He's not swayed, and then he steals my blankets. He doesn't like people covered in blankets.

OTOH, if we could just keep getting 10 inches of heavy, wet snow, that would be ideal. I had a great workout shoveling out the sidewalks and cars yesterday! Nearly an hour of cardio and weight work, and I'm paying for it this morning with a sore back. Think how great my back muscles would be if I had to do that a few times a week!

But here's my plan--I need to lose ten pounds in 12 weeks, or else I'm donating $25 to Sarah Palin. I figure that'll be motivation enough to make me starve myself if necessary for the last couple of weeks to achieve that weight if it comes to that. So I have until April 19 to get down to 140.4, even if I have to put on trash bags and run on the treadmill to lose six of those pounds in water weight on April 18. I considered making the donation to someone/thing less annoying, like a charity I don't really support or someone like Mike Huckabee who scares me politically but who I think is kinda funny and engaging (at least he was on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me) but I need something REALLY motivating, so Sarah Palin it is.

1 comment:

Julie S said...

I love your motivation for the 10 lbs. Here's to Sarah!