Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Ms. Fatty McFatkins

Ah, it's the end of the holidays, start of a new year and I'm feeling, and probably weighing, much like Sarah. Fat. Now, I'm not calling Sarah fat, I would only say that to her face. HA No, I'm just feeling bloated and kinda ick from the holidays.

I can't say I ate that poorly but when I get off my eating routine it's just *bad.* I really avoided eating sweets but I also enjoyed a few beers. I also drove about 1,500 miles during my off week including one overnight drive. I didn't get in much exercise either.

So that's where I am. I feel like today I finally got back into the groove of work. I was kinda out of it yesterday. I'm still winding down Christmas stuff, finishing laundry and moving into the new year at a relatively slow pace.

Now it's time to turn my mind to mental and physical fitness. I want to train hard and I hope my body agrees. While snow tubing last week I went flying off the tube on a particularly fast (super fast) trail. During my mid-air flight I thought "I'm 42 years old and I'm gonna land on my fat butt on this icy slide. What am I doing?" I can say that I wasn't treated like an oldster though. The staff moved me along and picked up my hat for me. I figured if I looked older they might've voiced concern. A beer did taste delish a bit after that fall.

So I guess what I'm saying is I want to be able to flying off my tube and pop back up like a 22 year old. Hey, I can dream or at least try.

Let the torture begin ... soon.

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