Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Holding steady

My weight was a pound down, but it's been hovering in this same range all week. I went out for a run on Wednesday, and then had my bike fitting (with much cycling) on Thursday. Then it got cold and horrid out, and kids were sick, so I didn't get to the gym. Today I finally decided it was time to exercise at home, no matter how boring I find my tapes to be, and while I was marching in place in the living room an ornament Daniel made when he was about 10 fell off the tree and smashed into a million pieces. No good deed goes unpunished. Serves me right for not having taken down the tree this weekend when I had the chance.

Until the kiddos are more healthy, though, living room exercise is it -- or else I can go out after dinner, those days when we don't have after-dinner activities, but that's as depressing as exercise videos, and takes longer. Better workout, though.

And as long as Christmas junk food is hanging around, my eating isn't going to improve! The kids are glad to have a good set of choices for after lunch and dinner, but I'M the one who's into them in-between! At least I had the sense to move the clementines onto the counter with the junk food, so I'm snacking on them almost as much as the cookies. And I'm back to my daily almond snacks, and there's far less cheese in my diet. So I don't feel quite as gross as I did, even though I'm still flabby in my midsection.

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