Thursday, December 18, 2008


Well - I forgot I was supposed to be doing the 12 days of fitness. Totally forgot. And - If I do a 90 minute yoga class and then 5 hours later do a 60 minute water ballet class does that count as TWO days of fitness. I didn't think so. That was hyopthetical anyway, because yesterday I skipped yoga (for the first time since April - or whenever it was I joined... 28 weeks straight except one week when I was on vacation...) It was a bad time to skip because it was the last class of the session and we won't have another one until January 7th. I am going to be SO unbendy by then. I will have to start working in my living room. I will have to do the 12 days of fitness for 5 days prior and seven days post Christmas.

I spoke to my doctor today about my blood results. She basically said "When did you last give blood????!??!" I said the night before my appointment. SHE said she was surprised they let me because ALL of my counts were VERY low. She said I had both low hemotomin and anemic - or something like that. And something that sounded like seratonin levels - only iron/blood stufff - was also low. So I have to start taking an iron supplement. She said that my vitamin D was very low too - and that is a prescription that I have to take. So she called that in for me. She said the low D would explain the muscle spasms and tingling sensations. Then she said one of my other levels of something (a non-indicative test, but tracked for baseline purposes... I don't know) was slightly elevated. Specifically mine was 23 and 20 is the high end of normal. Of course, I don't know what that means. She says she wants to re-run the blood tests in March, and at that time wants to test me for Celiac disease. I reminded her that she DID test me for that about four years ago and it was negative. She said that is often a slow to develop disease and the results from these current tests indicate that I could have since developed it. She has a brother with Celiac and so is very carefully about checking for that. I don't for one second wish that on me - but I would love to have a concrete thing to addess when it comes to my stomach issues and weight problems. Of course, the 8 months that I was attempting gluten free didn't really show any advantage - so I don't think I have developed it. She checked me for arthretic levels and they were all fine and she told me my night sweats were most likely peri-menopausal symptons. Sigh.


Emily said...

My friend who has Celiac (confirmed several times over) eats absolutely gluten-free and STILL has issues much of the time. For her there's no "attempting" -- she hasn't knowingly touched a gluten-containing food in years. The one exception was the Eucharistic host, and she finally tried cutting that out about a month ago (opting for the wine only); I haven't heard if that has helped. But the point is, with Celiac, even eating the diet isn't a magic fix; sometimes the symptoms go on for years.

She has other issues -- dairy, and IBS (also medically confirmed -- how do they test for a "syndrome", which I always thought was just a collection of correlated symptoms?), and various individual foods that cause their own troubles -- so it's hard to say what's at fault. But a lack of improvement while eating perfectly isn't always a sign of non-illness.

Emily said...

Oh! And let me know if the iron supplements do you any good. They always put me on them while I'm pregnant (my numbers then are so low that they're generally surprised I'm able to get out of bed in the mornings) and they don't really help much. And before I attempt to give blood I not only take my prenatal vitamin (which is high-iron) but I OD on OTC supplements, taking a time-release one (or two) the night before and regular ones the day of. And I still haven't been allowed to donate in about five years. I finally told them to stop calling me because it's such a waste of their time and mine. Sigh. So if you find something that actually gets your levels up, let me know!!

Emily said...

Gee, I'm just a font of negativity tonight, aren't I? ;-)