Friday, April 18, 2008


I have to see my internist every three months for a cholesterol and blood pressure check, and today was the day. I had lost seven pounds! Maybe that's not a huge loss, but my numbers were great--total cholesterol and all the parts thereof. I'm sure pleased. Right before the appointment we had gone to an OLLI luncheon and I had had shrimp with pasta and carrot cake with cream cheese frosting--I didn't deserve the good numbers!


Sarah said...

That's great!!! I'm sure the OLLI treats hadn't hit your system yet, but it doesn't matter--more important to have good habits overall.

Vicki said...

Way to go mom Angerer!!

Emily said...

Good job, Mom! And I agree with Sarah -- good habits overall matter more than one luncheon.

Shrimp is considered a healthy food even for people watching their cholesterol. It's very low-fat, and though it has high cholesterol content, it doesn't seem to correspond to high blood cholesterol. In studies it raises HDL significantly more than LDL, so while total cholesterol may go up, the overall effect is better numbers. It's also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can *lower* cholesterol and have a host of other health benefits, so don't sweat the shrimp! (You can sweat the pasta and cream cheese, though -- yummy and dangerous.)

Amy said...

Great news Mom!! I agree with Emily - shrimp is on the good list.