Monday, February 02, 2009


Something to aspire to... I like her. She looks comfortable. You can't tell, but her little arms are tucked under her big boobies. Clearly her feet would never support her for running or walking... maybe some yoga.

OTOH this is really more what I look like...

Only - my back flaps are more pronounced. Luckily I have no fat toddlers running around holding up mirrors in front of me. In HER case you want to tell her to get off her fat a$$, put some clothes on and go for a walk! And BTW, is that bracelet STUCK on your arm? Why did you shove it up so far? Poor thing. She looks nice otherwise. She really should put on some clothes though.

Vickie, I love the idea of a walk after lunch and dinner. I am going to try to work that in... at least after lunch. Dinner is so late as it is, I don't see a walk happening before the weather gets nicer - or it is lighter out later... which shouldn't be much longer. You are right about enjoying it once you are addicted. I loved it when I was walking to and from church. But that was only once a week - and I stopped, not when the weather got cold, but when I started having a tighter schedule and I wouldn't have time to get home from church and too yoga if I walked it. Maybe that would be a good thing to start up again for Lent. Walking in February just isn't as appealing as walking in June...


Vicki said...

I totally understand about the weather factor. But I've really enjoyed some of my colder walks. Of course, when I started that routine a couple of years ago I used my office building to walk.

Another good idea is walking in stores ... if I go shopping on a slow night in a big store i.e. Target. I walk end to end and try to get in 20 minutes. Usually works and if you keep moving you can't buy that whole store. haha

Or if you have a treadmill at home get on that. You can add exercise while carving out the time in your schedule.

Be creative and have fun.

Vicki said...

I totally understand about the weather factor. But I've really enjoyed some of my colder walks. Of course, when I started that routine a couple of years ago I used my office building to walk.

Another good idea is walking in stores ... if I go shopping on a slow night in a big store i.e. Target. I walk end to end and try to get in 20 minutes. Usually works and if you keep moving you can't buy that whole store. haha

Or if you have a treadmill at home get on that. You can add exercise while carving out the time in your schedule.

Be creative and have fun.