Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Wednesday weight

I didn't get my weight yesterday--mornings these days are entirely theoretical things. Connor wakes up and goes to sleep at such odd and inconsistent times that my whole morning routine is off. Where I used to jump out of bed at the alarm, go to the bathroom and weigh myself, now I drag myself out of bed sometimes when Brian tells me it's my turn to take care of Connor, ushering in the morning at the entirely unreasonable hour of 3 or 4 a.m., and sometimes when my phone alarm goes off from the pocket of my robe (I put it there and then wear my robe all night so I don't have to remember to take the phone with me when I switch beds in the night). Those mornings are especially discombobulating because I first have to figure out which bed I'm in and get my bearings before getting up. Add a bunch of snow days to that and it gets even more confusing--my first order of business is to check my email for closings and delays. In any event, I no longer follow my normal morning routine so forgetting to weigh myself on Tuesday isn't that surprising. Remember that it was Tuesday at all WOULD be surprising.

So my weight today was 150.4. At least I'm consistent, right? This is making Sarah Palin very happy, so clearly something must be done. I'm starting back today with counting calories, and making a committment to doing pilates at least three days a week. Until we work out something permanent for Connor's transportation, or until Brian is unemployed again (or better--employed second or third shift somewhere), or until Connor starts sleeping again, I can't commit to more. I think this is the worst part of my stress this past month--as much as I hate to exercise it IS a good stress reliever and without it I've been a mess. The weight gain is only a small part of it.

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