Friday, February 18, 2011

Website to share

April just forwarded me this website. Green Lite Bites. She has some great (and beautiful!) recipes. Check it out.

I think this is one of the few birthdays I have ever had that does NOT fall within lent. I know that isn't true (I don't think) but it seems to me that often it IS Lent. You know how most people check to see what day their birthday falls on at the beginning of the year? I check to see when Ash Wednesday is in relation to my birthday. Anyway - no lent, birthday on a Friday. We are going to California Pizza Kitchen for my work lunch. I am not sure what I am going to get yet... Maybe the pear and gorgonzola pizza (which BTW is lent friendly)...

My ear infection yesterday afternoon hit the shooting pain stage of things. I was also back to feeling dizzy - although not as extremely so. It is feeling better today. I hope that lasts because I took my last dose of advil yesterday and forgot to reload today.

Anyway, I got weighed at the doctor's office on Tuesday (after not being able to balance on my OWN scale Tuesday morning...). I was wearing jeans and had eaten breakfast, but I was almost five pounds lighter than I was at my LAST doctor's office weigh-in on 1/19. That visit I was wearing yoga pants and I don't believe I had eaten much of anything... Five pounds, in case anyone is wondering, is not an unusual variance for me just from day to day, so it probably means nothing. However, ever since I have been taking the lexapro I have noticed that I have bouts of night sweats almost every night - so maybe I am melting away some of my excess 100 pounds. I also have been consistanly going to bed much earlier. I take my pill at about 9:30 and usually turning off my light to sleep at about 10:30. For the first time in my life I am not able to power through that sleepy phase I hit around 10pm. AND, I don't seem to mind at all that I am only getting a few hours of down (non work) time each day. I will be interested in seeing what I weigh on March 15h...

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