Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Mooovin' on...down?

So I've been dappling in the 4 hour Body for two weeks now, and I am down 5 lbs and 6.5 inches; nearly 10 total pounds since my highest weight struck back in mid-December. My pants are fitting better and I am feeling SO much better. No more mid-afternoon burn outs, no more snacking at night, and I have been sleeping so much better. It is amazing what protein does for the body; I was totally taking in too many carbs and extra sugar and not enough protein. And I've been drinking so much water and it also feels good to be hydrated. I consume 3-4L per day of plain water, then sometimes a cup of tea if my office is freezing and maybe a soda. I've pretty much eliminated the soda without even noticing; now it is mostly a treat. I've also probably eaten more beans in the last two weeks than in my entire life to date. And the weird thing, I was SO worried about having horrible gas, but when you take the extra sugars and starches out of the equation, that isn't an issue at all. Sugar really is the root of all evil. Just think if the American Indians hadn't taken it from the Europeans...this country would be a different place! LOL.

This is the first diet plan like this I have tried, and I really like it I think because I FEEL so different. I'm not hungry, I'm not tired, I think I might actually be thinking more clearly because of not being hungry and not being tired, and the built in cheat day each week means you never really give something up, you just defer it to the appropriate day. I'm usually not one for these types of diets, but this one is different for me, and thank goodness, it is also working.

I went for another swimming lesson last night. I am a terrible, TERRIBLE swimmer. I lack coordination, and I just can't remember all the stuff the lady tells me to do. I'm pretty sure she thinks I am incapable of following directions. Then last night she made me do these drills where you don't kick and just use your arms to move through the water, and I felt like I was flailing in the water. It was AWFUL. I have no upper body strength, I have no coordination and then I guess maybe from breaking my right arm multiple times, it just has difficulty following the directions my brain sends it. I can only imagine what it looked like.

Harry kept me up most of last night; his toe scabbed up and I think it was itching to the point he was borderline insane, which I can certainly relate to. Even though he has his cone of shame on, he somehow managed to tear the scab. At least it didn't bleed or anything. I have to call the vet today to see if there is anything to do for him.

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