Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Week three

First, a huge congrats goes out to Emily for achieving her goal of running a marathon. Awesome.

I'm into my third week of my new routine and I have to say it's going pretty well. I'm beginning to feel the need for longer, harder workouts and am trying to push myself. I used the first couple of weeks to gauge my level of fitness and am now making a bigger push. I'm mixing up weights, cardio and exercises such as planks, squats, etc.

I tend to build strength quickly and that's happening again. So that forces me to reevaluate the amount of weight and reps.

Food has been good. I've focused on salads and have whipped up several homemade soups with all fresh ingredients. It's nice to have some soup ready to eat with the cooler weather.

The best part, of course, is in the difference in how I'm feeling and that I'm trimming down a bit. But there's much more work to be done.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Good for you! I spent a LONG time in the soups aisles -- both organic and not -- yesterday and was appalled at how few of them count as "food" under the "In Defense of Food" guidelines. I finally managed a can of minestrone and another of a bean soup for Daniel, but almost everything else had tons of additives and various unpronounceable ingredients. And corn syrup. So I've promised him I'm going to start making larger batches of soups at home so he can have them for work lunches. Meanwhile I got him some real bread and some lunchmeat (there was ONE that qualified in a whole wall, even among the supposedly "all natural" meats) and cheese and lettuce, and he wound up with a sandwich that was much, much better than his usual fare -- so, surprise! he ate it more slowly and ate less overall. We are slowly converting over, even without a detailed plan.